Oriano is driving social impact and sustainability across Industries, SMEs, Homes and Educational Institutes in India and helping them reduce their energy cost. Oriano has converted over 1200 acres of vacant land/roofs into solar power generating plants and ensured better use of idle resources. Oriano also offers training to workers on operation and maintenance of solar plants which ensures livelihood for people throughout the useful life of solar plant of min 25 years in the process ensuring better output of the plant.

Oriano also aims to make life easier for people at BoP by ensuring off-grid energy access through Micro-Grid and Off Grid Solar Home kits. Access to electricity opens doors of opportunities for economic development in rural India, creating jobs and new industries, increasing output, providing access to educational resources. Offgrid systems not only supply basic lighting but power revenue generating activities like kiosk selling, handicrafts, tailoring etc. It also helps in women empowerment by including more women in the workforce increasing the household income.
Oriano has helped to offset tons of annual carbon footprint by replacing fossil fuel based electricity sources with sustainable and environment friendly sources like solar to power homes and industries by supplying industrial scale plants as well as rooftop solar kits. This helps mitigating climate change concerns and ensuring better living conditions for future generations.